I love crafting beautiful images and automating things.

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Nuke: Auto Backdrop

Organization is Key Organizing your Nuke script is one of the most important tasks in any setup. Whether it's your future self or a colleague picking up your shot, you want to instantly understand what's going on in the script. Backdrop nodes are a great way to...

After Effects: List Missing Files

The Problem Chances are high, that you found yourself in this situation at some time:You open a project in After Effects and a couple of files are missing. Maybe you got the setup from someone else and some files were not collected correctly or you restored a project...

Installing Portainer for Docker Orchestration

1. What is Docker? In the dynamic world of software production, Docker has emerged as a revolutionary tool, allowing developers to package applications into containers—standardized executable components combining application source code with the operating system...

Does the world really need yet another blog?

Probably not. But I'm pretty bad at remembering things. So this is more like my personal diary, where I write down useful things in the hope that others can benefit from them as well. What is this page about? Basically everything that interests and moves me both...